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Publications – revues internationales


HEINZ C., 1991 – Upper Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation in the south of France and Andorra. Adaptations and first ruptures : New charcoal analysis data. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 69 (1991) : 299 – 324. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.

BARBAZA M., HEINZ C. 1992 La grotte-abri du Moulin (Troubat, Hautes Pyrénées), Environnement et Archéologie. Bull. Soc.bot. Fr., 139, Actual. bot. (2/3/4), 685-695.

HEINZ C., RUAS M.P., VAQUER J. 1992Le site préhistorique de L’Abeurador (Félines-Minervois, Hérault) : archéologie et paléoécologie. Bull. Soc.bot. Fr., 139, Actual. bot. (2/3/4),465-482.

LEROYER C., HEINZ C. 1992 – Complémentarité des études palynologiques et anthracologiques, les exemples pyrénéens de la Balma Margineda (Andorre) et de la Cauna de Belesta (France). Bull. Soc.bot. Fr., 139, Actual. bot. (2/3/4), 281-295.

VERNET J.L., PACHIAUDI C, BAZILE F., DURAND A., FABRE L., HEINZ C., SOLARI M.E., THIEBAULT S., 1996 – Le delta 13C de charbons de bois préhistoriques et historiques méditerranéens, de 35000 BP à l’actuel. Premiers résultats. C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris, T.323, série IIa, 319-324.

BROCHIER J.E., CLAUSTRE F., HEINZ C., 1998 – Extensive exploitation, intensive exploitation. Effects on the evolution of vegetation between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age in the eastern French Pyrenees,Vegetation History and Archaeobotany , 7, 1-9.

HEINZ C., THIEBAULT S., 1998 – Characterisation and palaeoecological significance of archaeological charcoal assemblages during Late and Postglacial phases in southern France. Quaternary research, 50, 56-68.

HEINZ C., BARBAZA M., 1998 Environmental changes during the Late Glacial and Post-Glacial in the central Pyrenees (France) : new charcoal analysis and archaeological data, Palaeobotany and Palynology, 104, 1, 1-17. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.

 HEINZ C., 2002 – Evidence from charcoal analysis for paleoenvironmental change during the Late Glacial and Post-Glacial in the central Pyrenees (France), S.Thiébault ed., British Archaeological Reports international series, 1063, 95-101.

HEINZ C., FIGUEIRAL I., TERRAL J.-F., CLAUSTRE F. 2004 – Holocene vegetation changes in the northwestern mediterranean : new palaeological data from charcoal analysis and quantitative eco-anatomy, Holocene, 14, 4, 631-637.

TERRAL J.-F., BADAL E., HEINZ C., ROIRON P., THIEBAULT S., FIGUEIRAL I., 2004 – A hydraulic conductivity model points to post-neogene survival of the mediterranean olive in riparian habitat, Ecology, 85 (11), 3158-3165.

 HEINZ C., 2005 – Transformations du milieu et adaptations humaines du tardiglaciare à l’holocène : les stratigraphies pyrénéennes, in « Peuplements humains et variations environnementales au Quaternaire », A.Tuffreau ed., British Archaeological Reports international series, 1352, 133-138.

ROY M., Takahiro YAGAME T., YAMATO M, IWASE K. , HEINZ C.,  FACCIO A., BONFANTE P, and  SELOSSE M-A.  2009 – Ectomycorrhizal /Inocybe/ species associate with the mycoheterotrophic orchid /Epipogium aphyllum/ Sw., but not with its asexual propagules, throughout its Eurasiatic range. Annals of Botany, 104 (3) : 595-610.

SARMIENTO C., DETIENNE P., HEINZ C., MOLINO J-F., GRARD P., BONNET P. 2011 – Pl@ntwood : A computer-assisted identification tool for 110 species of Amazon trees based on wood anatomical features. IAWA Journal, Vol.32 (2), 221-232.

HOVER A., BUISSARD F., CARAGLIO Y., HEINZ C., PAILLER F., RAMEL M., VENNETIER M., PREVOSTO  B., SABATIER S.  2017. Growth phenology in Pinus halepensis Mill.: apical shoot bud content and shoot elongation. Annals of Forest Science, 74 (2): 39.

AZIZAN A., GUILLON E.,  CARAGLIO Y., LANGBOUR P., PARADIS S., BONNET P., BROHARD Y., HEINZ C., BOUTAHAR N., BRANCHERIAU L., ,2017. Integrated dataset of anatomical, morphological, and architectural traits for plant species in Madagascar. Elsevier Data in brief, 17, 92-96.


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